Chris Parsons  - "Cp"

Chris is an underwater photographer, currently cruising on a sailboat in the bahamas. He loves to dive, take photos and teach people about photography. His images have been published in major magazines like Alert Diver, Sport Diver, Scuba Diving, Southern Living and River Watch. Sea Shepard, National Geographic, Loggerhead Marine Center, and the Tennessee Aquarium have also featured his work.

An early adopter of digital underwater, and with a science and software development background, he can bridge the gap between the creative and technical sides of today’s image creation process.

Chris shoots Canon cameras in Nauticam underwater camera housings.

Check out Chris' new project; it's called Videux, and it is a Mac app that is made for organizer tens of thousands of videos. It support keywording, freeform metadata, ratings, tracking licenses and releases and features a blazingly fast user interface to make dealing with large video collections much less painless. 

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